
[BUG] Configuration not read from `included` files

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Describe the bug

Configuration settings in files added via the include config option are not added to overall configuration.

Example ~/.config/hypr/pyprland.toml

plugins = [ "scratchpads" ]
include = ["~/.config/overrides/pyprland/99__testing.toml"]

command = "kitty --class kitty-scratchpad"
lazy = false
size = "74% 60%"
position = "13% 7%"
alt_toggle = true

And file /home/dante/.config/overrides/pyprland/99__testing.toml

command = "betterbird"
animation = "fromRight"
lazy = true
alt_toggle = true

Yields the following behaviour when manually toggling scratchpads

  • ❯ pypr toggle kitty working as expected
  • ❯ pypr toggle betterbird triggering an error message saying Scratchpad betterbird not found

Having a single plugin spread into several files can be hard to predict and is then an implementation detail which I would not like have to describe and should be able to change in the future.
If you have all the scratchpads in one file does it work ?