
collection in post appears the item repeat

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I found a problem in use: insert "collection" in post, enable "load more",

After publishing, click the "load more" button and you will find that the last item before loading is the same as the first item after loading, that is, there is one item that appears twice!


Experiencing the same Issue. Getting duplicate posts in a collection when Load More is clicked.

Category collection set to either

  • 2 images / 2 columns
  • 3 images / 3 columns

It seems that the initially loaded posts get duplicated when the first Load more get clicked. Subsequent clicks of Load More does not further duplicate posts. It is not related to using multiple categories


ASE: Version
WP: version 5.1.1–en_AU
Theme: Honos Version: 1.5.2

Hi I think the issue is fixed with the latest code (