
State of the project?

Opened this issue · 4 comments


I see no updates since 3 years.

What is the state of the project?

Which screenrecorder do you recommend (if you don't plan to update Kazam in the future)?

I have been updating my fork here...

OBS Studio is ok too.

Is this project looking for a new maintainer? 🤔 ❓ I'm not, not interested, lol

I've always loved the UI for Kazam, super simple. 🙏 I kind of want to maintain this, fix some bugs, and def improve the high DPI support. Get a few new upstream releases published that work better.

Longer term, I kind of want to port the entire thing to Qt, rewrite the backend to be cross-platform (i.e. Qt or FFmpeg based), rip out GTK/Gstreamer, and ship it along side OpenShot... but perhaps that isn't even considered a port anymore, if everything is just developed from scratch, 🤣

I suggest adding Kazam to the list of projects looking for a maintainer here:
