
Daemon process

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi ,
How to make send-image file as Daemon process ?


If you just send a single image, it exits immediately, so no need for that.
If you want to send an animated gif, why not just send it to the background with the ampersand-feature of your shell ?
./send-image foo.gif &

Even using ampersand-feature of shell ,Its not giving control back to command line if i use the image scrolling. It keeps waiting for ctrl+c.

`pi@raspberrypi:/flaschen-taschen/client $ ./send-image -g128x32+64+0 -s ../img/aaa.ppm -h localhost &
[8] 4944
/flaschen-taschen/client $ Read image...
Scale ... 832x32 -> 832x32


No, it should just go into the background. You only see the Read image and Scale... output, which might look a bit confusing, but if you press return, you see that you are back on the shell, and that Ctrl-C does not do anything.

Thanks for the reply but when i write the command in the systemd its throwing an error.

ExecStart=/usr/bin/send-image -g32x32+0+0 -h localhost $IMAGE_PATH/test.ppm &

I think its waiting for something/action.

I don't know anything about systemd, so you have to read the documentation how you make stuff there to a daemon. It is meant to do such things, so this should be straightforward.
(I am still using System-V init because systemd configuration is too confusing for me, so I can't help here, sorry).

I guess you figured it out ?