
Animated gif issues with send-image/ft-server

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So I am running ft-server on a raspbery pi with a 128x64 board (and Arduino hat).

I discovered I can send an image to x & y coordinates so had the great idea to run 4 different pixlets and then take each resulting output gif to an assigned quadrant of the board using the send-image command.

./send-image -g 64x32+0+0 -h matrixboard.local ./tmp/matrixboard_pixletexample1_pixlet.gif -c
./send-image -g 64x32+0+32 -h matrixboard.local ./tmp/matrixboard_pixletexample2_pixlet.gif -c
./send-image -g 64x32+64+0 -h matrixboard.local ./tmp/matrixboard_pixletexample3_pixlet.gif -c
./send-image -g 64x32+64+32 -h matrixboard.local ./tmp/matrixboard_pixletexample4_pixlet.gif -c

It all works great to be honest but my biggest issue seems to be if the gif is animated in any way, the ft-server has a really tough time animating it. I thought maybe it was the fact I was sending several animated gifs to it but I disabled them all and just sent one that was a 3 frame gif and it wouldnt animate it at all.

Here's an example of an animated gif that is just three frames

scoreboard local_mlbscores_pixlet

Is there any magic the ft-server has that can provide better support for animated gifs?