
Blank white screen, 64x64 outdoor panel with SM16237

jwee1369 opened this issue · 0 comments


I have a 1/16 scan (quarter scan) 64x64 outdoor with SM16237.

Looking at other 64x64, most seem to have the E pin, but mine only has A, B, C, D. I'm getting a full white screen, image below shows white stripes when taken with the camera (but when looking with the eye it's fully white).

I have tried playing around with --led-multiplexing, --led-row-addr-type, --led-slowdown-gpio, --led-panel-type (FM6126A, FM6127), but with no success, all with same output, except --led-row-addr-type=3, gave me some flickering stripes instead of a solid white

the base command line ran, tried with the above flags mentioned:
sudo ./demo -D4 --led-rows=64 --led-cols=64

I'm using Rpi 3B+ 2017. I've tried with another 64x32 panel from adafruit and it works, so pretty sure the pinout is right
w/ DietPi

Thanks, in advance

Bought it on AliExpress
