
add https://0cn.de to short url list

ryanthara opened this issue · 4 comments


is it possible to add the service https://0cn.de to shorten url?

The service provides privacy...

hzlzh commented

A API is needed if you want to use this service with workflow.

I'll ask the author for an api, but he hasn't answered yet.

0cn.de has the ability to save the service as bookmarks, and you will see the code behind.


Is this helpful?

hzlzh commented

Yes, this should be a kind of API:


and you can get the final short link this.

var nr='&noref=1';if (null==prompt("Hier die gewünschte Kurz-URL. Kopiere sie und klicke 'OK', wenn du zufrieden bist. Klicke auf 'Abbrechen', um weitere Einstellungen auf 0cn.de vorzunehmen (falls nichts passiert: Pop-Up zulassen).", "http://0cn.de/qfzu")){ window.open('https://0cn.de/?url='+encodeURIComponent(document.URL)+nr, '_blank'); }

Looks good. But my skills are so bad, I failed with an implementation. :-(