
Running on win10

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Thanks a lot for this great repo
I'm trying to run the pretrained model of your work on win10 but I get multiple errors.
I wanted to know if it's even possible to run it on win10 or my machine has problems.

hzxie commented

I think the problem may cause by the following code

output_dir = os.path.join(cfg.DIR.OUT_PATH, '%s', datetime.now().isoformat())

Please change to:

 output_dir = os.path.join(cfg.DIR.OUT_PATH, '%s', datetime.now().isoformat().replace(":", "-")) 

Because Windows does not support : in file name.

hzxie commented

Please provide more information (e.g. error logs) if the above reply did not solve your problem.

Thanks for your fast response sir.
I'll try your solution and if it didn't solve the problem I'll ask again.
Good day