
Unable to run on KITTI

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I have everything working fine in the ShapeNet dataset, but if I switch to KITTI it doesn't work. I have followed the steps to install dependencies and modify config.py.

python3 runner.py --test --weights=/home/skewen/GRNet/GRNet-KITTI.pth

Traceback (most recent call last): File "runner.py", line 76, in <module> main() File "runner.py", line 65, in main test_net(cfg) File "/home/skewen/GRNet/core/test.py", line 71, in test_net sparse_loss = chamfer_dist(sparse_ptcloud, data['gtcloud']) KeyError: 'gtcloud'

hzxie commented

The KITTI does not support test due to the GT is missing for the dataset.
You can generate the completed point clouds with the following command

python3 runner.py --inference --weights=/home/skewen/GRNet/GRNet-KITTI.pth