
How to reproduce the experiment of shape completion on KITTI?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

To reproduce the experiment of shape completion on KITTI, we just need to update settings in config.py:

# Dataset Options: Completion3D, ShapeNet, ShapeNetCars, KITTI
__C.DATASET.TRAIN_DATASET                        = 'ShapeNetCars'
__C.DATASET.TEST_DATASET                         = 'KITTI'

Then run python3 runner.py.

Am I right?

By the way, how to save and visualize the completion results on KITTI as shown in your paper?

hzxie commented

Yes. The settings are correct.
You can use kitti_object_vis to visualize the results of KITTI.

Yes. The settings are correct.
You can use kitti_object_vis to visualize the results of KITTI.

OK, thank you very much!

Yes. The settings are correct.
You can use kitti_object_vis to visualize the results of KITTI.

I encountered the above error in the training process, do you know how to solve it?

hzxie commented

It seems that there is something wrong with your matplotlib.
What's the version of matplotlib? Try to use 3.0.3.

It seems that there is something wrong with your matplotlib.
What's the version of matplotlib? Try to use 3.0.3.

my matplotlib is 3.2.2

It seems that there is something wrong with your matplotlib.
What's the version of matplotlib? Try to use 3.0.3.

3.0.3 works for me!Thank you very much!