
dimension error

Chu-Orion opened this issue · 2 comments

An error occurred after training an epoch:ValueError: Argument filled must be 3-dimensional
The record is as follows:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:\PyCharm\Pix2Vox-master\runner.py", line 93, in
File "F:\PyCharm\Pix2Vox-master\runner.py", line 74, in main
File "F:\PyCharm\Pix2Vox-master\core\train.py", line 268, in train_net
iou = test_net(cfg, epoch_idx + 1, output_dir, val_data_loader, val_writer, encoder, decoder, refiner, merger)
File "F:\PyCharm\Pix2Vox-master\core\test.py", line 152, in test_net
File "F:\PyCharm\Pix2Vox-master\utils\binvox_visualization.py", line 20, in get_volume_views
ax.voxels(volume, edgecolor="k")
File "D:\SoftWare\Anaconda3\envs\pytorch\lib\site-packages\mpl_toolkits\mplot3d\axes3d.py", line 2866, in voxels
raise ValueError("Argument filled must be 3-dimensional")
ValueError: Argument filled must be 3-dimensional
[INFO/MainProcess] process shutting down

Process finished with exit code 1

python=3.7, OS:win

What should I do to solve this problem?

Thank you

hzxie commented

Try to downgrade matplotlib to 3.0.3

I'm sorry to bother you again, but after downgrading to version 3.0.3, the same error still occurs