
Comma doesn't work as delimiter for v6

mmmavis opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi! I recently upgraded react-tag-autocomplete to v6 and realized that comma no longer works as delimiter. Wondering if this change was intended or I missed something in the doc or my code.

I've updated the delimiter array from [9, 13, 188] to [`Tab`, `Enter`, `Comma`]. Tab and Enter both work fine still but not Comma.

Hi @mmmavis - detecting commas should work however a quick test shows that punctuation keys are reported as their literal characters rather than a description, so if you use ["Tab", "Enter", ","] this should do the job.

There's also a full reference of key codes available here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/key/Key_Values - I should probably add a link to this in the readme.

Got it. Thanks for looking into this!