
In the online demo you can't create a tag with spaces

herrKlein opened this issue · 3 comments

The online demo does not allow tags with space to be created, although the option is shown

Expected behaviour

If it should be possible to create a tag with space, it should be created.
If not, user should be warned ( or at least not show the option, 'create tag:' )

Current behaviour

Option create tag is show, does nothing

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. http://i-like-robots.github.io/react-tags/
  2. go to custom tag input
  3. enter text like 'abc 123'
  4. press create tag option
  5. no feedback
  • OS: OSX
  • Browser: chrome 94
  • Version of the component: online version
  • React version: online version

I've been reviewing the accessibility of this component recently and I am working on a feedback mechanism, I believe this would fit nicely within that piece of work.

The next major version of the component now supports displaying an invalid state with relevant attributes for associating the component with error messages.

Support for an invalid state is available in v7+