
Backend is not loaded in Linux

eponte-ut opened this issue · 4 comments


i18next version: 15.0.9
i18next-node-remote-backend version: 1.0.1
Node versions: 8.x, 10.x

Integrated as:



For some reason, when running on Linux (i.e. executing the code in a Lambda), this condition is evaluating to false and thus the backend is not loaded.

Mac works properly.


      .use(Backend.default || Backend) 

do you import or require the Backend...are node versions the same on mac and the lambda

do you import or require the Backend...are node versions the same on mac and the lambda

const Backend = require('i18next-node-remote-backend');

Node versions are the same, and we have tried both 10.x and 8.x

I'm seeing this behavior on macOS and the workaround fix it.
I'm also using:
i18next version: 15.0.9, 15.1.3
i18next-node-remote-backend version: 1.0.1, 1.1.0
Node versions: 10.x