18n.exists() not working properly?
MattEzekiel opened this issue · 6 comments
🐛 Bug Report
I'm using i18next.addResourceBundle and the hook useTranslation and I have a functión that has to check before translate or not
To Reproduce
A minimal reproducible example.
A codesandbox example or similar
or at least steps to reproduce the behavior:
import i18next from 'i18next';
import es from './i18n/es';
import en from './i18n/en';
i18next.addResourceBundle('es', 'TableExporter', es);
i18next.addResourceBundle('en', 'TableExporter', en);
function TableExporter(props) {
const { t, i18n } = useTranslation('TableExporter');
// Rest of my code
const translateValues = (data, translateFunction) => {
console.log('assign already exists, duplicate entry existe:', i18n.exists('assign already exists, duplicate entry'));
console.log('RESULTS existe:', i18n.exists('RESULTS'));
// More code...
And this are my es file:
const locale = {
RESULTS: 'Resultados',
false: 'Error',
true: 'Éxito',
'assign already exists, duplicate entry': 'Ya existe la asignación, registro duplicado',
export default locale;
And this are my en file:
const locale = {
RESULTS: 'Results',
REASON: 'Reason',
PARAMS: 'Data',
SUCCESS: 'State',
false: 'Error',
true: 'Success',
'assign already exists, duplicate entry': 'Assign already exists, duplicate entry',
export default locale;
Expected behavior
So the both console.log should be returning true because their exist in both files. But their are returning false
Your Environment
- runtime version: node 18
- i18next version: "i18next": "22.5.0", "react-i18next": "12.3.1"
- os: Windows
- "react": "18.2.0",
Please create a minimal reproducible example.....
I'm not able to reproduce it: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/affectionate-keldysh-gcgdr2
add an empty resources option in the init function: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/affectionate-keldysh-gcgdr2?file=%2Fsrc%2Findex.mjs%3A10%2C3-10%2C17
Thank you with this is working!
debug: true,
lng: 'es',
fallbackLng: 'en',
defaultNS: 'TableExporter',
If I set the resource it messed up my app, because I'm using this in other places... I think...
I will close this issue.
If you are not using an i18next backend you should really pass the resources option... else you might have timing issues on init