
JobTr: A Simple Job Tracking App with PHP

Primary LanguagePHP


========= JobTrApp: A Simple Job Tracking App with PHP. It's for helping track of the job application process by companies.

Version 1.1.0

The functionality of the system includes:

  • Being able to store company information
  • Being able to store works information
  • Being able to store position information
  • Work time alert
  • Mini chat for works
  • Update information on works
  • Storing general statistic
  • Simple Work List


  • PHP 5.5 or above
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • MySQL


![1](Screenshot 23-20 .jpg) ![2](Screenshot 23-22 .jpg) ![3](Screenshot 23-25 .jpg)


  1. Download or clone this repo into your local (If you're submitting a pull request, fork your own branch, fork repository and cloning your fork locally after your work is finished send a pull request.).
  2. Create a database to use and run the TEST/jobtrapp.sql to create the tables
  3. Update default database settings in model/Connection.php
  4. Run your app on browser!

Default Admin Informations

  • Username: admin
  • Password: 123456demo

To do List!

  • Add Notification for Mini Chat on works detail page
  • Support image when add a work on list
  • Add a additional features inputs on mini chat (like X cm width, Y cm height etc...).
  • Security update
  • Change list tables like company list page...
  • Add profil page for users.
  • Archive for users, list work or what will do list
  • Add feedback button all pages.
  • Add general settings for users
  • Add archive list
  • Update front-end
  • Fix db
  • Control function when someone want delete company, it've an active work?
  • Tasks pages must merge.

For Update Front-End

You'll use view for front-end. Css or the other files in assests.