
I found some issues with the badge frame

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I noticed that a 'badge frame' is not always created or it is created with excessive width. I attached a Screenshot at the end of this issue.

Here is the code snippet:

const buffer = await profileImage(member.id, {
        badgesFrame: true,

    const attachment = new AttachmentBuilder(buffer, { name: 'welcome.png' });

If there is any way I can assist further, please let me know.

My Discord username is .jermayn, and I can always be reached there.


It looks like the problem comes from checking if badgesLength is greater than 0 during the generation of the frame behind the badges. But since for some reason badgesLength is 0 for a badge, no frame is generated. I will be a deeper look into the problem and when I have found a solution then I will make a PR