Web server URL
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I am trying to get PlexConnect on ATV3 talking to the web server of PlexConnect running on Mac that is also the PMS. As far as I can tell, the front end on the ATV is all javascript and uses 'baseURL' when sending any web queries. Currently these are sent to the PlexConnect web server running on the same machine (i.e. the ATV), but I see no reason why they could not instead be directed to a PlexConnect web server on a different machine that would be faster and able to serve multiple ATVs each running the PlexConnect front end. But…
Can anyone explain how the js front end gets that 'baseURL'. It seems to get it from the ATV system, but I don't see how that knows anything about that, but I'm not an iOS or TVOS developer. So if anyone can shed any light on how the js front end obtains the baseURL for its queries to the web server, that would be enormously helpful.
Have now got it all running, with PlexConnect fully hosted on the same Mac as PMS itself and with purely a bag.plist on the JB'd ATV3,2 - no PlexConnect required on there at all.
However since the Mac in question also runs another web server on port 80, I had to use a different port for PlexConnect. Easily enough added into Settings.cfg, but it is then not used so nothing works. The baseURL is set in PlexConnect.py which uses the 'hosttointercept' setting, but currently without adding on the specified port. I changed that to add the port and it all works.
Seems to me this needs to be incorporated into the core code, but I have no idea how this needs to be done., so could do with some advice on that.