
A Pytorch implement of YOLOv3 with comments

Primary LanguagePython

A Pytorch implement of YOLOv3 with comments

This repo is copied from Pytorch-YOLOv3. The goal of this repo is to learn how to build a YOLOv3 and add the detailed comments to the code. More details for the experimental results please refer to the original repo.

The environment

  • Python 3.6 :: Anaconda
  • Pytorch >=0.4
  • COCO Dataset


# Download pretrained weights
$ cd weights/
$ bash download_weights.sh

# Download COCO dataset
$ cd data/
$ bash get_coco_dataset.sh

# run the code
$ python3 train.py --model_def config/yolov3.cfg --data_config config/coco.data
$ python3 test.py --weights_path weights/yolov3.weights --img_size 416
$ python3 detect.py --image_folder data/samples

To learn how to build a YOLOv3

I slightly simplify the original repo and add the detailed comments on the main components of YOLO system. I mainly focus on the four parts of the YOLO:

  • How to prepare the inputs? ==> utils/datasets.py
  • How to bulid the targets for YOLO? ==> utils/utils.bulid_targets (function)
  • How did the YOLO do with inputs and targets? ==> models.YOLOLayer (class)
  • How to process the outputs of YOLO? ==> test.py, detect.py and utils/nms.py