

AhmadDakhlallah opened this issue · 2 comments


In your repo here:


you need to change:
"< item>ar_EG</ item>"
< item>ar_IL</ item>
< item>ar_SA</ item>

and make it only:
< item>ar_PS</ item>
*please note that there is no space in the tag Item, but I had to add it since the editor will remove it in preview mode.

Since all Arabic are the same and we don't have any kind of difference between countries like en_rUK and en_rUS. add to that I only use the code ar_rPS for my translations, so the EG, IL, and SA codes are extra and don't really work. and since my code PS isn't included, this will make some troubles with my translation.

Thank you for understanding.

Remove all the ar_**, add ar_PS. We can do that.

Yes please, remove all ar_r** and add ar_rPS

Thanks a lot :)