
Show an NSAlert modal sheet using blocks

Primary LanguageObjective-C

This is an example project that uses an objective-c category so that an NSAlert can be displayed and the result immediately processed without the need to create a delegate method in your class.

Example call:

[NSAlert showSheetModalForWindow:self.window
	  message:@"This is a test message"
  informativeText:@"This is some informative text that will be displayed."
cancelButtonTitle:@"Don't Allow"
otherButtonTitles:@[@"Allow",@"Always Allow"]
        onDismiss:^(int buttonIndex)  {
		 NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"button pressed %i",buttonIndex]);
	 onCancel:^ {

If a nil is passed for the cancelButtonTitle, then the onCancel block is never called. If used, the cancel button is the last button added.