Categorized Work
Closed this issue · 2 comments
21/02/2017 :
Following this morning meeting with Gilles :
To facilitate marketplace matchmaking. Creation of categories has been discussed.
On the board this morning, category will looks like :
Category :
- CPU type
- Storage
- Bandwidth
- timeout
category is for a catagory of execution. App ar not tag into category, it is execution that are tagged into a category.
A level of trust is also given by the user. But it is not included into the Category description ?
How Category is represented into smart contract ?
- an integer when used on-chain and description off-chain ?
- A contract Category self described on chain. and the id is the contract address ?
(add of CategoriesHub, Categories for instance)
28/02/2017 :
Following this morning meeting with Gilles :
Category :
- id
- I/O mo
- Work clock time ref
Store in smart contract stuct :
struct Category
uint256 catid;
string name;
string description; // I/O etc ...
uint256 workClockTimeRef; //needed for determine the failed consensus claim delay
choice for V2 done