- 0
- 0
Grafana displaying unconnected worker
#422 opened by DamienMure - 0
Check workerpool address at boot
#494 opened by zguesmi - 0
Workerpool admin should be able to force a starting block and ignore the entry in the db
#507 opened by zguesmi - 0
Replicate status concurrent update
#482 opened by mcornaton - 6
- 1
Stop loosing time after initialization (2 blocks)
#359 opened by jeremyjams - 0
tagged error message
#240 opened by ericr6 - 0
Fully implement the Bag Of Task feature
#208 opened by jeremyjams - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Scheduler should send deal's block number to the worker with the authorization to ensure synchronization
#398 opened by zguesmi - 1
- 1
Show last block number read by the core in the logs
#336 opened by zguesmi - 1
- 4
Handle NPE
#351 opened by zguesmi - 1
Cannot update replicate, bad wokfow transition [currentStatus:COMPLETED, newStatus:WORKER_LOST chainTaskId:, walletAddress:, details:null]
#346 opened by zguesmi - 0
Don't try to initialize task with expired deadline
#384 opened by zguesmi - 1
Core should replay deals starting from the max(IEXEC_START_BLOCK_NUMBER, blocknumber in database)
#345 opened by zguesmi - 1
Iexec explorer not showing correct task times
#348 opened by borgqueenx - 0
Invalid request: The method eth_newFilter does not exist/is not available when using Infura node
#350 opened by zguesmi - 1
Getlastblockfailed - blockchain node seems unsync
#347 opened by borgqueenx - 0
- 0
Rename sconeCasURL to sconeCasHost or add protocol
#311 opened by zguesmi - 0
- 1
When a task is reopened, it never reaches consensus
#277 opened by zguesmi - 1
Add a queue to execute multiple blockchain txs
#233 opened by zguesmi - 1
Multiaddress for result repo
#274 opened by jeremyjams - 1
Multiaddress for result repo
#272 opened by jeremyjams - 1
- 0
Multiaddress for result repo
#273 opened by jeremyjams - 0
- 1
- 0
Proxy usage
#251 opened by lodygens - 1
Result link written in the blockchain is wrong for IPFS
#236 opened by Ugo - 1
Add more checks on commandLine of a requester
#216 opened by jeremyjams - 1
- 1
Don't send available replicate unless worker can accept it (has available cpus)
#224 opened by zguesmi - 1
- 0
- 1
Update web3j version from 3.6.0 to the 4.X
#213 opened by Ugo - 1
- 1
Adapat blockchain waiting mechanisms to wait for a number of block, not a fixed time.
#201 opened by Ugo - 1
Add spring actuator to core
#205 opened by zguesmi - 3
Make possible to override default gasPrice values
#194 opened by jeremyjams - 1