
Make possible to override default gasPrice values

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Possible implementations for Core & Worker:

1 - Read a fixed value of the gasPrice set in the configuration file

Ex: 10Gwei
(+) pros: You know what you get
(-) cons: Doesn't follow market fees

2 - Read a gasPrice multiplier set in the configuration file coupled with an estimate gasPrice from eth node at runtime

Ex: 10Gwei * 1.50 for faster transactions
(+) pros: You follow market fees
(-) cons: What if the estimateGasPrice from the node goes crazy ? (Your soft will hang or you will pay way to much for super fast txs you don't need)

What do you think?

We can mix both, a real-time estimated gas price with a threshold, so it does not exceed that fixed value.

Ugo commented

Right, a fixed one doesn't really make sense. I agree with @Zied-Guesmi, the second solution with a max value seems better.

Done in #200 :)