
mint algorand NFTs from node.js following ARC-69

Primary LanguageJavaScript


mint algorand NFTs from node.js following ARC-69


You will need node (https://nodejs.org/en/). After cloning the repo, npm install or yarn install should install all dependencies.


  • Make an https://nft.storage/ account and put the key in .env as the NFTSTORAGE_KEY.
  • Specify your Algorand Node Environment:
    • ALGO_NODE_ENV should be 'MainNet' or 'TestNet'
    • Depending on what ALGO_NODE_ENV is set to the system will use the TESTNET_ or regular server, token, and port settings.
  • Make a testnet account using your wallet of choice, fund it and put the mnemonic in the .env as MNEMONIC. The format should be space-delimited, not comma-delimited.

Example Environment Configuration File


MNEMONIC="your mnemonic keyphrase is probably twenty five words"


In server.js, change the following variables for your project:

const UNIT_PREFIX = "BUB-"; // Prefix before identifying number in unit name. eg. "BUB-1", "BUB-2",...
const ASSET_PREFIX = "Algobubble #"; // Prefix before identifying number in asset name
const DESCRIPTION = "generative bubbles";
const MIME_TYPE = "image/png"; // if .jpg, use image/jpg etc.
const EXTERNAL_URL = ""; // external URL, NOT the image URL (could be project URL, etc)


Put your images to be minted in the /images directory.


Edit properties.csv to contain the appropriate data for your project. Each row must contain filename, but you can leave columns empty and they won't be populated. eg.

filename a b c d e
1641042139996.png testA testB testC testD testE
1641042143236.png testF testG testH testI testJ
1641042146100 testK testL testN testO


To run, simply execute node server.js. If all goes well, you should see some messages being logged relating to your transactions.

The system keeps track of what it has minted so users do not have to start from scratch every time the script is run. If you wish to start from scratch ensure no state.json file exists at the project root. If one does, delete it. It is safe to do so.


This tool is completely free to use, but if you want to send me an NFT or a few ALGO in thanks you can hit me up on Twitter (https://twitter.com/AlgofishExe) or send to FISHEXEW6C4H6PRREM4OLBQ3EOMI2ETUBM2C3UCNHSV33LA5RTM6A577T4 :)

If my updates have helped you, feel free to send me a nice tweet. My Twitter handle is @CryptoRUSH_Gav, or buy me a coffee. My NFD address is cryptorush.algo.

Release Notes

v1.1.0 (by @CryptoRUSH_Gav):

  1. Added ability for script to start where it left off. If you wish to start over, make sure to delete the state.json file.
  2. Updated algosdk, nft.storage dependencies
  3. Updated .env file. You can now control which environment you are running on straight from the .env file.
  4. Added an .env.example file. When starting a new project, just copy it to .env and update the configuration as necessary.