
Shutter Position Not Being Updated Therefor No Usable Automations

Closed this issue · 7 comments

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The problem


After a few days of using the Somfy Integration of my 2 shutters (connected via Connexoon) the positions were lost.
Hereby I can only manually open/close/stop the movement but it won't listen to flows where the shutters need to move to a certain location.

What version of this integration (ha-tahoma) has the issue?


What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?


Which gateway / hub do you use?


Device model

TaHoma Premium

Home Assistant log

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          "type": "ACTUATOR"
        "states": [
            "name": "core:NameState",
            "type": 3,
            "value": "** ** **"
        "attributes": [
            "name": "core:ManufacturerReference",
            "type": 3,
            "value": "OGP Intesis Bridge"
            "name": "core:Technology",
            "type": 3,
            "value": "Intesis"
            "name": "core:Manufacturer",
            "type": 3,
            "value": "Overkiz"
            "name": "ogp:Features",
            "type": 10,
            "value": [
                "name": "discovery"
                "name": "identification"
        "available": true,
        "enabled": true,
        "placeOID": "37f3c787-4d2d-4f49-b5d8-bb7799d57717",
        "widget": "DynamicBridge",
        "type": 1,
        "oid": "51e39761-ed41-4830-a888-604d46b22af8",
        "uiClass": "ProtocolGateway"
    "zones": [],
    "resellerDelegationType": "NEVER",
    "oid": "91fca690-243d-4590-ba97-7c1a160c3008",
    "rootPlace": {
      "creationTime": 1603529915000,
      "lastUpdateTime": 1603529915000,
      "label": "** **",
      "type": 0,
      "oid": "37f3c787-4d2d-4f49-b5d8-bb7799d57717",
      "subPlaces": []
    "features": [
        "name": "connexoon-window",
        "source": "GATEWAY_TYPE"
        "name": "connexoon-terrace",
        "source": "LOCAL_OPTION"
        "name": "connexoon-access",
        "source": "LOCAL_OPTION"
        "name": "connexoon-window",
        "source": "LOCAL_OPTION"

Additional information

First time i'm asking for help in such a way; if more or other info is needed, please let me know.

@Roelvm12 is there a reason why you still use the custom component and not the core integration? We have added Overkiz integration to core and currently we don't update this ha-tahoma component anymore.

@Roelvm12 is there a reason why you still use the custom component and not the core integration? We have added Overkiz integration to core and currently we don't update this ha-tahoma component anymore.

No, that would be a lack of my expertise! I'll do that first. Thanks for quick reply.

Great, thanks! If you face similar issues, please create a (similar) issue on the core repository :).

We haven't updated this integration for a few months, while the Overkiz integration in core gets many updates.

I'm currently running it via "Overkiz (by Somfy) - Custom component" Within HACS
What should I do instead? (sorry for my lack of understanding).

Remove the integration from Home Assistant. Remove the custom component folder. Reboot Home Assistant.

Configure the Overkiz integration.

Thank you Mick,
I did as requested. Results are the same:

  • Controls work (open/close/stop)
  • Logbook works fine; when controlling from controls function and homey and somfy app.
  • Configuration - "my position"; still does not work.

Logbook gives an error straight after installing;
Babykamer Identify became unavailable
3:16:34 PM - 9 minutes ago
Babykamer My position became unavailable
3:16:34 PM - 9 minutes ago
Babykamer My position became unavailable
3:16:34 PM - 9 minutes ago
Babykamer became unavailable
3:16:34 PM - 9 minutes ago

about 15 min into installation it seemed to work again. I'll keep you posted if it stops working.

Ok. In case you have future issues, please create an issue at Include here your debug logs and the diagnostic information.

Are you using the Homey app at the same time? It could be that having two Home Automation systems poll at the same time, can cause issues.