
About Directed Hypergraph

innocentius opened this issue · 3 comments

The feature is related to the feature of Directed Hypergraph. I noticed that you have scheduled the release of the structure of directed hypergraph already. I'm wondering if you have already finished / almost finished the implimentation? I'm currently looking into a partial implimentation limited to bring HyperGCN into directed hypergraph, but if you guys already finished the part, I would really like to take your implimentation as the solution.

Thank you for your contribution to Hypergraph Learning.

Our scheduler is:

  1. Graph/Hypergraph Batching
  2. Graph/Hypergraph Isomorphism
  3. Graph/Hypergraph Classification
  4. Directed Hypergraph
    We will implement the directed hypergraph as soon as possible.

What is the expected date for releasing basic directed hypergraph support? This is more fundamental than items 1=3. I hope you give it the highest priority. Thanks.

What is the expected date for releasing basic directed hypergraph support? This is more fundamental than items 1=3. I hope you give it the highest priority. Thanks.

TBH, the research on directed hypergraph is sparse, and if I were the repo-owner, I will try to first publish something before they release their idea on directed hypergraph learning.