
hackbright fullstack project

Primary LanguagePython


hackbright fullstack project

The MVP of my project, which is a pet portal app with user registration, dog_parks, dog_movies, dog_games.

  1. User Registration and Authentication:

    • User can create an account with a pet name, email, and password.
    • User can log in to their account.
  2. Dog Park Information:

    • Display dog parks with locations pinned in google Map (latitude and longitude).
    • Users can view weather using zipcode to see it they can go for a walk with dog.
  3. Dog Movie Information:

    • Display a list of dog movies with titles, ratings, and comments.
    • Users can view details of a dog movie, including its title, rating, and comments.
  4. Database Integration:

    • Data is stored in a PostgreSQL database (already created with the necessary tables).
  5. Basic Styling and Layout:

    • Apply basic styles and layout using Bootstrap or other CSS frameworks to make the app visually presentable.
  6. Registration and Login Flow:

    • Ensure a smooth registration and login flow for users.
  7. Navigation:

    • Implemented a navigation menu or links to navigate (e.g., dog_parks, dog_movies, dog_games, logout).