
Pilot view 'ground shading' extremely faint on Taranis X9D+?

csurf opened this issue · 3 comments

the 'ground shading' on the pilot view is extremely faint on my taranis. See pic.

It's not a matter of viewing angle. It's definitely very light. I tried messing with the contrast, color, and backlight settings on my radio, but nothing helped. What else should I try, or is this a bug?
I'm running latest OpenTX firmware 2.3.15.

Looks OK in companion, so there's nothing I can do further.

it might look ok in the sim, but not in real life unfortunately.

@stronnag is the sim the only way you have of testing display output for the taranis? Is there any setting in the LUA script that I can try changing? If you have a taranis, what are your settings for contrast/color/backlight?

I do not have a Taranis. I expect that it it were a problem beyond your hardware, it would have been reported previously, as I'm aware of a number of Taranis users.