
Wither Pet "grows up" and becomes a normal Wither

Chris6ix opened this issue · 6 comments

What steps will reproduce the issue?

  1. Summon the Wither Pet
  2. Wait a bit

What was supposed to happen?

The Wither should stay in "baby" form

What happened instead?

The Wither Pet becomes "adult" and starts to fly around uncontrolled (Cannot be disabled through UC)
He destroys stuff...which is terrible (It destroyed the "Storage Room" of one of my Players -_-)

What version of UltraCosmetics are you using? Do not say 'latest'.


What server distribution (Spigot, Paper, etc.) and what version are you using? Do not say 'latest'.

This server is running Paper version git-Paper-187 (MC: 1.18.1) (Implementing API version 1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 0cc2503)

What plugins do you have installed?

Plugins (46): BetterConcrete, BetterTridents, BigDoors, Bookshelf, BreakingSlab, CommandCooldown, CustomEnderChest, DeluxeMenus, Duels, dynmap, Essentials, EssentialsChat, FlyPerms, GSit, Hat, HolographicDisplays, HoloMobHealth, HomeGUI, InteractionVisualizer, JoinRules, KittenForever, LightAPI, LinkedPortals, LinksPlus, LuckPerms, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-Inventories, NotTooExpensive, PL-Hide, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerPortal, PlayerWarps, Playtimes*, PlugManX (PlugMan), ProtocolLib, QuickShop, RealScoreboard, RotationWrench, SilkSpawners, TAB, UltimateCatcher, UltimateTimber, UltraCosmetics, Vault, WorldEdit, WorldGuard

Are there any errors in the console or in logs?


Additional information that could be helpful in fixing the problem


Does it take a consistent amount of time for the wither to "grow up"? Or roughly how long?

I asked the player that reported the problem to me what exactly he did and roughly recreated that...and was able to reproduce the issue
After some random flying around and teleporting, the wither pet seems to follow the player less and less, until he just stands there doing nothing for a few seconds and then transforms into a regular Wither...
It took me around 5-6 minutes of just flying randomly around and randomly teleporting
I noticed that the wither pet has some trouble keeping up with the player when he is flying...he kind of tries to fly with the player but is way too slow and so goes out of render distance after some time...only when you touch the ground again, he teleports to you...
I also noticed that he is unable to attack, but he tries to...only the "initial explosion" of his "spawn" does damage
Here is a small video of him transforming and then trying to attack a wolf...

My guess is that the wither is getting unloaded since the player is so far away, which causes UC to lose track of it and cancel the code that's supposed to keep the wither small. But the code that prevents the wither from shooting operated differently, so it would continue working after the wither loads back in.

Could you try out this build and confirm it fixes the issue? (Download and unzip the artifact I've changed it so that if a pet gets unloaded it's automatically deleted and unequipped (or at least that's the theory.) I've tested it on my server briefly with a wither and it seemed to work correctly.

I tested this build with the same random flying and teleporting and the issue seems to be gone.
The wither Pet despawned when out of render distance for a long time (Where he would "grow up" without this fix)
The only thing I noticed it that he now does this when you fly out of his render distance and then touch the ground (He tries to fly back to the spot he was before being teleported to you)

So the fix you did works fine :)

That's really weird, are there any console errors? Maybe it's related to how the slime pet behaves?

Closing this since the issue was fixed :)

That's really weird, are there any console errors? Maybe it's related to how the slime pet behaves?

Nope, no Errors in console...
Yeah the Slime Pet does the same thing, but without actually being teleported (The Wither Pet seems to want to go back to its last spot, while the slime pet just starts to wander off as soon as its summoned...)

Closing this since the issue was fixed :)

Sure :)