
[0.16] README - Don't bother opening any issues

dktapps opened this issue · 0 comments

Before anyone bothers to spam about 0.16, we KNOW it's here already. Fair warning here: spammers will receive an immediate ban for failing to:

a) read the issue template
b) read this issue ticket

Also don't waste our time spamming us with protocol numbers. The number is meaningless; it's the actual protocol changes themselves which are important.

Thanks for not spamming and wasting our issue ticket numbers.

Current 0.16 known bugs

  • Air bubbles (damn metadata)
  • NBT on items currently doesn't work (possibly a client bug)
  • Commands don't work (#blamemojang)

DISCLAIMER: THE 0.16 BRANCH IS NOT INTENDED FOR PUBLIC USE. Issues submitted relating to 0.16 will be treated as spam.