
This is a small warpper around the esbuild executable, so that you can invoke it from java.

// create the command line parameters 
final Config config = new ConfigBuilder().bundle().entryPoint("main.js").outDir("dist").build();

// use the resolver to get the esbuild executable
final Path esBuildExec = new ExecutableResolver().resolve("0.17.1");
// it will use a bundled version of es build or download the right version

new Execute(esBuildExec.toFile(), config);

Another option is to use java -jar e.g.

java -jar target/esbuild-java-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar --help

Additionally, it has a utility to bundle a javascript file with webjar or mvnpm dependencies:

final Path path = new BundleDependencies().bundle(dependencies, type, entry);

Dependencies are a list of either webjar or mvnpm bundles, type is the type of the bundles and entry is the javascript. Returned is the folder that contains the result of the transformation.