
Issues & inconsistencies with table captions & numbering

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When using table captions in PScribo 0.8.0, the table numbering will count all tables for HTML & Text outputs, even those without captions. However for Word output, table numbering is only counted where tables use a caption.

Example HTML & Text

Table numbering starts at 2, this is because there is another table generated earlier in the document which does not have captions assigned, but is included in the numbering.

HTML Example


Text Example


1.1 vCenter Server
The following sections detail the configuration of vCenter Server labvcsa.lab.local.

vCenter Server               : labvcsa.lab.local
IP Address                   :
Version                      : 6.7.0
Build                        : 14792544
OS Type                      : linux-x64
Product                      : VMware vCenter Server 6 Standard
License Key                  : *****-*****-*****-0A9R0-2D52N
License Expiration           : 10/03/2021
Instance ID                  : 46
HTTP Port                    : 80
HTTPS Port                   : 443
Platform Services Controller : labvcsa.lab.local
Update Manager Server        : labvcsa.lab.local

Table 2 - labvcsa.lab.local vCenter Server Information

1.1.1 Database Settings
Database Type               : Embedded
Database Version            : Postgresql 9.6.13
Data Source Name            : VMware VirtualCenter
Maximum Database Connection : 50

Table 3 - labvcsa.lab.local Database Settings

1.1.2 Mail Settings
SMTP Server :
SMTP Port   : 25
Mail Sender :

Table 4 - labvcsa.lab.local Mail Settings```

### Word Example
Table numbering is correct and as expected, however table prefix and number does not include a space. 
