
Feature Request: Add a Base64 export format to Export-Chart.

mc1903 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello Iain,

I hope you are well & that this project is still active?

I would like to submit a FR for consideration, to add the option of a Base64 export format to the Export-Chart function.

I am wishing for a cleaner/faster way to get the chart images I create with PScriboCharts imported by PScribo.

Currently I am exporting them as .png's, and immediately re-importing them into PScribo, with a follow up temp file delete cycle.

If PScriboCharts had a Base64 image export format, I could simply use a variable/array and have PScribo Image access them without the interim disk staging & clean up.

Should you find yourself twiddling your thumbs on a wet winter weekend, I think this would make a great addition to the function, complementing PScribo's ability to import Base64 images and from me personally it would be greatly appreciated.
