
Examples of APIs for interacting with the environment

Opened this issue · 2 comments

pwalsh commented

This looks like a really interesting project, thanks for the work.

When I look over the docs, I see lots of examples of implementing "business logic" in scheme, but, I am still left unsure as to what APIs exist for integrating with the environment / patcher.

For example, how do I create a new Jitter object?

Or, equivalents of the following in the js object:



This maybe in an obvious location I have missed - apologies in advance if that is the case.

Hi Paul, thanks for checking it out. These are good suggestions for future areas of work, I have not done much in the way of patcher scripting in S4M. You can do it programmatically by creating a thispatcher object in your path and sending it messages however. But I think going through those docs and implementing some of what is there would be good.

The API to Max has been focused on music related stuff so far: dicts, buffers, tables, the scheduler, with the main focus being algorithmic music and live coding music.

If you wind up interested in S4M and want specific features that are missing or should be copied from the JS object, by all means add issues as feature request with specifics. I'm wrapping up a term for the next month, but am planning on another release in May or June and can see about getting some of this stuff in.

I'm going to leave this as an open feature request ticket in the meantime so I have a handy reminder of those pages.