
Double clicking on a s4m node tries to open javascript

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Expected action: Nothing, or even cooler open up the file dialog for choosing a scheme file

Actual Action: opens the os file dialog with only js files allowed to be selected.

If you don't provide a file extension to s4m it'll also try and load a js file.

Hi Jon, are you on Windows? I don't get this behaviour on OSX.

Ohhh, I think the problem is this:

I have "foo.js" in the max path, as well as "foo.scm".

Ah, hmm, that sounds like what's up. But details on how to improve this area most welcome!

Can you somehow force the .scm extension to take precedence over js if it's a s4m node?

It's pretty limited what we can do with the editor integration, and it's different on windows. It's unfortunately a bit of a pain part to deal with. I don't think I can do that with the SDK. I could nix the editor integration all together if it proves more hassle than it's worth... not sure what to do there yet.

I'd welcome thoughts about the question of whether it's better to just cut it. We could say that a file in the box loads automatically, but axe editor integration. One can always load files by just sending a load message too, so perhaps inconsistent and imperfect behaviour across windows and osx is worse that just not having it? (the double click to open editor, I mean)

Sorry, I too am on OS X! I think the problem is just whether or not you have "foo.js" and"foo.scm" in the max path (or maybe even the same directory?)

Yeah I haven't tested that, I think that should be possible to fix. We will find out!

Jon, I am proposing we kill the build in editor integration entirely. I don't think anyone uses it, and it causes a world of pain with the new thread high and low options (from 0.2). Encouraging people to use the built in editor I think will only frustrate them anyway, they need paredit!!

closed, editor integration removed, double click now shows full path to file loaded