
[BUG] You can now select the theme is not working properly...

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Successfully downloaded Hugo theme from:

You can now select the theme "https://github.com/zeon-studio/hugoplate" in the Dropdown button.

but when I press none to try to select the theme I can't Nothing happens when I press the theme.

Other information:

  • OS: [Windows 10,

Just wanted to report I got the same bug. I am on Ubuntu Mate
Screenshot at 2023-10-15 14-10-42

Same thing - can download and install theme but unable to choose it in Windows client.

Is there a workaround to select the theme? Kind of dead in the water for now.

Same bug here, Windows 11. Tested Hermit and Hello-Friend-NG themes. Doesn't appear to create any terminal output either.

Same here, Windows 10, BuhoCMS 0.9.0 alpha. For now, the workaround for me is to add the theme manually to hugo.toml in the root of the website directory by appending a line such as:

theme = 'hugo-book'