Contribute docset to Dash
Closed this issue · 13 comments
I've set up a repo where users can contribute docsets to Dash. You can check it out at It should contain all the info you need to get started.
Docsets that are contributed in this way will appear in a separate User Contributed section under Dash's Preferences > Downloads (i.e. just like the current Ruby Gems or Cocoa Pods sections).
If you need any help with this, don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
This is great, thanks! I have been enjoying Dash a lot and relying on it for many stuff.
So I created many docsets that are not necessarily only API, but almost anything cool and I could index, like tutorials, ebooks, wikibooks, and learning websites, ... etc.
Here is one of them
I checked the contribution repo and not sure if these docsets, I made, meet the contribution criteria or if you would be interested docsets that are not API.
Here are some random screenshots of docsets on my Dash:
Let me know you think.
Hmm I'm not sure if you should add those. Do you think they'd be useful to lots of other users, or just a few?
In my opinion, only add the API-related ones for now, and maybe the rest some other time after I get a sense of what the user contributed repo should look like.
Yeah, I am not sure too.
For the API-related, along with Scrapy, I have few which are mainly python-related like
(though, I need to fetch it again from Read the Docs site )
And Cython ( I indexed entries in alphabet order, to maintain ordered entry, and that can be removed).
I didn't use table of contents in any docsets.
The versioning is not included (I do need to work on this part).
How do you fetch the source? Have you tried httrack?
If you're using doc2dash to index the Sphinx docs, you should get table of contents support from that.
No, I haven't. First time I hear of httrack!
I just create a lame customized code for each source.
Gosh, I have not used the doc2dash either!!
This will save much work.
Here's a Dash snippet I use as a template to grab something using httrack:
cd ~/Desktop && rm -rf __name__.docset && mkdir -p __name__.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents && cd __name__.docset && httrack -%v2 -T60 -R99 --sockets=7 -%c1000 -c10 -A999999999 -%N0 --disable-security-limits -F 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/11.10 Chromium/18.0.1025.168' --mirror --keep-alive --robots=0 "http://__site__" -n -* +*.css +*css.php +*.ico +*/fonts/* +*.svg +*.ttf* +*.woff +*.eot +*.png +*.jpg +*.gif +*.jpeg +*.js +__site__*** && rm -rf hts-* && mkdir -p Contents/Resources/Documents && mv -f *.* Contents/Resources/Documents/
Well, this snippet indeed does the whole magic! thank you.
I used it to create docsets for cython and bs4:
if those docsets would be of use, I can put them up there at the contribution page.
Yep, I think they would be an awesome contribution. Please add them, but only if you plan to maintain them and always update them to the latest versions.
In this case, I need to figure out how to setup the versioning issue before I commit. I haven't tried it yet.
The instructions at should be sufficient. If not, let me know and I'll help.
Thanks, I will check them out.
I sent a pull-request to add 5 python-related docsets.
It's my first pull-request on github, hope everything went smooth.
Please check them out and let me know what you think.
The forked repo is: