
[BUG] v1.6.2 Issue with Trakt Auth and Restart

ekk88d opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug

A clear and concise description of what the bug/error is.

Desktop (please complete the following information):
OS and Version: Windows 10, Powershell v7.3.1

Python Version: 3.9.7

Player and Version: Only player is MPC-BE w/listening enabled and 13679 port defined

Environment variables defined in PATH:
C:\Users\<user>\.local\bin (which has one file - trakts.exe)

To Reproduce

  1. Updated from v1.6.1 to v1.6.2 to fix previous issue
  2. Ran "trakts init"
  3. Set MPC-HC and port
  4. Didn't see TS picking up any scrobbling activity, so I checked log and saw:
2022-12-30 22:13:18,651 - DEBUG - scrobbler - scrobbler - Scrobbling start at 2.09% for Echo 3
2022-12-30 22:13:18,757 - WARNING - scrobbler - utils - Request failed
  1. Forced new Trakt auth token and then forced a restart, which returned these results:
PS C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7> trakts auth -f
Forcing trakt authentication
Open https://trakt.tv/activate in your browser and enter this code: C9AA120A
App authorized successfully.
Token valid until 03/31/23
WNDPROC return value cannot be converted to LRESULT
PS C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7> trakts status
The scrobbler is running
Monitored players: mpc-hc
No activity yet.
PS C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7> trakts start --restart
SUCCESS: The process with PID 14100 (child process of PID 7524) has been terminated.
SUCCESS: The process with PID 7524 (child process of PID 3604) has been terminated.
ERROR: The process with PID 3604 (child process of PID 16340) could not be terminated.
Reason: There is no running instance of the task.


  Command '['taskkill', '/pid', '3604', '/f', '/t']' returned non-zero exit status 255.

  at ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\subprocess.py:373 in check_call
       369│     if retcode:
       370│         cmd = kwargs.get("args")
       371│         if cmd is None:
       372│             cmd = popenargs[0]
    →  373│         raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
       374│     return 0
       377│ def check_output(*popenargs, timeout=None, **kwargs):

Log file

Log Contents 1 of 2

2022-12-30 22:13:50,107 - INFO - MainThread - trakt_auth - Access token not found. Initiating device authentication.
2022-12-30 22:13:50,269 - INFO - MainThread - trakt_auth - Verification URL: https://trakt.tv/activate
2022-12-30 22:13:50,269 - INFO - MainThread - trakt_auth - User Code: C9AA120A
2022-12-30 22:13:50,540 - WARNING - MainThread - utils - Request failed
2022-12-30 22:13:50,540 - DEBUG - MainThread - utils - Request: post {'url': 'https://api.trakt.tv/oauth/device/token', 'headers': {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, 'json': {'code': '91d72b4fd4ec3cc325446de397416b997f26cddd13c2cd1496780cbed0f1f216', 'client_id': 'ab0133a2365b2c64d70fd2adf3c7e775a4131471b56340933335af1b94785a3a', 'client_secret': 'b574acd5857310fcdc1e195c5953795fc61a1d89d69fec1649624d54cb666222'}}
2022-12-30 22:13:50,540 - DEBUG - MainThread - utils - Response: <Response [400]> 
2022-12-30 22:13:50,540 - DEBUG - MainThread - trakt_auth - Waiting for user to authorize the app.
2022-12-30 22:13:55,628 - WARNING - MainThread - utils - Request failed
2022-12-30 22:13:55,628 - DEBUG - MainThread - utils - Request: post {'url': 'https://api.trakt.tv/oauth/device/token', 'headers': {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, 'json': {'code': '91d72b4fd4ec3cc325446de397416b997f26cddd13c2cd1496780cbed0f1f216', 'client_id': 'ab0133a2365b2c64d70fd2adf3c7e775a4131471b56340933335af1b94785a3a', 'client_secret': 'b574acd5857310fcdc1e195c5953795fc61a1d89d69fec1649624d54cb666222'}}
2022-12-30 22:13:55,629 - DEBUG - MainThread - utils - Response: <Response [400]> 
2022-12-30 22:13:55,629 - DEBUG - MainThread - trakt_auth - Waiting for user to authorize the app.
2022-12-30 22:14:00,720 - WARNING - MainThread - utils - Request failed
2022-12-30 22:14:00,720 - DEBUG - MainThread - utils - Request: post {'url': 'https://api.trakt.tv/oauth/device/token', 'headers': {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, 'json': {'code': '91d72b4fd4ec3cc325446de397416b997f26cddd13c2cd1496780cbed0f1f216', 'client_id': 'ab0133a2365b2c64d70fd2adf3c7e775a4131471b56340933335af1b94785a3a', 'client_secret': 'b574acd5857310fcdc1e195c5953795fc61a1d89d69fec1649624d54cb666222'}}
2022-12-30 22:14:00,720 - DEBUG - MainThread - utils - Response: <Response [400]> 
2022-12-30 22:14:00,720 - DEBUG - MainThread - trakt_auth - Waiting for user to authorize the app.
2022-12-30 22:14:05,821 - INFO - MainThread - trakt_auth - App authorized successfully.
2022-12-30 22:14:20,343 - ERROR - Thread-1 - __init__ - Unhandled exception
TypeError: WPARAM is simple, so must be an int object (got NoneType)
2022-12-30 22:14:30,901 - DEBUG - mpc-hc - monitor - action=scrobble
2022-12-30 22:14:30,901 - DEBUG - mpc-hc - monitor - {'state': 1, 'progress': 4.76, 'media_info': {'type': 'episode', 'title': 'Echo 3', 'season': 1, 'episode': 8, 'year': 2022}, 'updated_at': 1672460070.9012554}
2022-12-30 22:14:30,901 - DEBUG - scrobbler - scrobbler - Scrobbling pause at 4.76% for Echo 3
2022-12-30 22:14:30,992 - WARNING - scrobbler - utils - Request failed
2022-12-30 22:14:30,992 - DEBUG - scrobbler - utils - Request: post {'url': 'https://api.trakt.tv/scrobble/pause', 'headers': {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'trakt-api-key': 'ab0133a2365b2c64d70fd2adf3c7e775a4131471b56340933335af1b94785a3a', 'trakt-api-version': '2', 'Authorization': 'Bearer f734e2deaaacc29701c094d333eecc5d170962b2c58125cfe5b920f0ed53d59f'}, 'json': {'show': {'ids': {'trakt': 164514}}, 'episode': {'season': 1, 'number': 8}, 'progress': 4.76}, 'timeout': 30}
2022-12-30 22:14:30,992 - DEBUG - scrobbler - utils - Response: <Response [401]> 
2022-12-30 22:14:30,992 - WARNING - scrobbler - scrobbler - Scrobble unsuccessful. Discarding it.

  1. Forced restart seemed to fail, but tried "trakts start" instead. It resulted in a bunch of old episodes being added to the backlog cleaner, a proper activity report for the last Paused position in the MPC-HC file, and this addition to the log:
2022-12-30 22:33:15,981 - DEBUG - scrobbler - scrobbler - Scrobbling pause at 6.46% for Echo 3
2022-12-30 22:33:16,108 - INFO - scrobbler - scrobbler - Scrobble pause successful for Echo 3 S01E08 at 6.46%
2022-12-30 22:33:16,110 - ERROR - scrobbler - __init__ - Unhandled exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\J\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\threading.py", line 973, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "C:\Users\J\.local\pipx\venvs\trakt-scrobbler\lib\site-packages\trakt_scrobbler\scrobbler.py", line 36, in run
    self.scrobble(verb, data)
  File "C:\Users\J\.local\pipx\venvs\trakt-scrobbler\lib\site-packages\trakt_scrobbler\scrobbler.py", line 80, in scrobble
    self.handle_successful_scrobble(verb, data, resp)
  File "C:\Users\J\.local\pipx\venvs\trakt-scrobbler\lib\site-packages\trakt_scrobbler\scrobbler.py", line 67, in handle_successful_scrobble
    action = Button(
TypeError: object() takes no arguments
2022-12-30 22:33:21,188 - ERROR - Thread-4 - __init__ - Unhandled exception
TypeError: WPARAM is simple, so must be an int object (got NoneType)

You're seeing two separate issues

  1. Regarding auth, see #234 (comment) (in short, force auth should have fixed it)
  2. For the other exception, I've pushed a fix. Please give it a try from here-
    Install from branch:
    1. Stop the scrobbler with trakts stop
    2. Run pipx install --force --pip-args='--force-reinstall' git+https://github.com/iamkroot/trakt-scrobbler.git@notif-fix
    3. Start scrobbler with trakts start

(Not OP, but) I essentially made the same fix as the one on notif-fix before I seeing this bug report.
Can confirm this fixes TypeError: object() takes no arguments on Windows 10, and that the toast shows up.

Fixed in 97569b9