
🕹️ Code to extract package.json from popular JavaScript|TypeScript repositories that are not on npm.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Code to extract package.json from popular JavaScript|TypeScript repositories that are not on npm.



  • Create a .env file containing the variables:

    • GITHUB_TOKEN1: your github API token.
    • PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGE: '0' for JavaScript, '1' for TypeScript. Defaults to '0'.
    • ONLY_TOP_LEVEL: 'false' to fully traverse the git tree for package.json files. Defaults to 'true'.
    • STAR_COUNT2: '1000' limit used for npm run count-repos. Defaults to '0'.

    1 If the script reaches GitHub's rate limit, it will pause and resume when the limit resets. You can also use GITHUB_TOKENS to provide an array of tokens and the script will circle through them if the limit is reached.

  • Install dependencies & run the script

    npm i
    npm start

2 You can also run npm run count-repos to create a csv containing the number of repositories for each star count. To set this limit, configure STAR_COUNT


Filename format is: <stars>📎<owner>📎<repo>📎[<path>]package.json, where reserved characters (e.g. /) are converted to !.