
uniserver for linux

Closed this issue · 8 comments

In our concept, UZero is the best alternative. If you are the developer, congratulations. we have written a post about this


Is there any way that they release a version for linux? (debian / ubuntu at least)

Thank you... The base version was written by another developer some time ago and since he had not gotten time to keep the code maintained, I took over.

However, my apologies. We don't have a version of Linux since UniformServer is a WAMP package. However, that being said, it is not difficult to install Apache, PHP and MySQL for a Linux environment. I can probably write out a way do you to do it and point you in the right direction.

I am interested in supporting this linux initiative. Tell me how can I support

If you are interested, we could carry out this conversation on the private messages on the forum. Please sign into the Uniformserver community forum at http://forum.uniformserver.com/ and drop me a message on my handle sudeepjd. We can pick up this conversation there.


I tried to register in the forum and I never received the confirmation message to be able to enter
A suggestion:
Why not create a crowdfunding to release the version for linux (at least for debian / ubuntu). I can speak to interested parties to contribute. I will also make my contribution

Since UniformServer is a WAMP package, releasing a build for Linux was never on the cards. Also the problem is time. Right now my priorities is to keep this project as upto date as possible and even in that I am slipping behind with my work priorities. I don't mind if another developer can take it up and put together a Linux version, but at this point in time, I will not be able to do so.

The problem is not about money, UniformServer is and always will be Open Source and Free to use. The problem is time.

If another developer who is more familiar with developing for Linux based platforms can help out build a Linux version, it would be awesome.

Please, I would appreciate that you publish in this repository, all uzero code, modules, packaging method, description of the tools used, previous versions, alpha, beta, etc. and anything else that can help me to analyze it in detail and see if it is possible to migrate to linux.
I ask for this information because you said it is open source. But if you can't publish it for some reason, you could send a private link with the download to my email contact@maravento.com
The problem is not installing apache, mysql, etc, but the way Uzero works with the built-in modules. thanks in advanced

All the code for the UniController as well as the UniService is published on this github repo. The Windows version is built on Pascal. If you would like I can help walk you through it.

That can be a problem since I don't work with pascal. What I can do is a bash loop to install the dependencies (mysql, php, apache2, etc), but that is useless, since it cannot be integrated into uzero. Give me some time to try to hire a pascal programmer with database knowledge. If you want, leave me an email to contact you and keep you informed of the progress