
gRPC studies

Primary LanguageGo

gRPC studying

Tutorial package ℹ️

This package were based on Protocol Buffers Basics: Go Tutorial with addition of gRPC server up and running.

Generate Protobuf files

  • To generate messages
    • protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative tutorial/proto/addressbook.proto or with option go_package = "tutorial/proto"; setted in proto file
    • protoc --go-grpc_out=. tutorial/proto/addressbook.proto
  • To generate services
    • protoc --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative tutorial/proto/addressbook.proto or
    • protoc --go-grpc_out=. tutorial/proto/addressbook.proto


Implementations of interfaces generated in addressbook_grpc.pb.go accordingly to services definitions in proto file.


As the gRPC server deppends only on interfaces we can easily testing its methods in isolation.


The client uses the proto genereated file to make calls into server methods.

Patterns Package

Pattern 1 - Unary RPC

  • Style Request and Response approach. RPC Client call a remote method that responds with a single response.

Pattern 2 - Server Streaming RPC

  • RPC Client call once a remote method that responds with a stream response (multiples responses until gRPC Server close the stream).

Pattern 3 - Client Streaming RPC

  • RPC Client call more than one time a remote method that only responds when gRPC Client close the stream.

Pattern 4 - Bidirectional Streaming RPC