
error in composing firebasestore and firebase with middelware.

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const store = createStore(rootReducer,
applyMiddleware(thunk.withExtraArgument({getFirebase, getFirestore})),
reactReduxFirebase(fbConfig), // redux binding for firebase
reduxFirestore(fbConfig) // redux bindings for firestore

in this line error is throwing it says TypeError: Object(...) is not a function and say webpack_require in webpack/bootstrap:785 line

please give me some solution so I can move forward to watch next tutorial thank you.

i also faced the same problem... The problem lies in this line:-

reactReduxFirebase(fbConfig), // redux binding for firebase

looks like they've made a breaking change. Remove that line and everything should work out fine.

Final snippet you should have:-
const store = createStore(rootReducer, compose( applyMiddleware(thunk.withExtraArgument({getFirebase, getFirestore})), reduxFirestore(fbConfig) // redux bindings for firestore ) );

For detailed explanation check these out:-

@pralhad88 to solve this problem update "react-redux-firebase" property on your package.json file with this version "2.1.6" and the problem will solved.

@pralhad88 it's a react-redux-firebase version problem in the tuto we are working with version 2 and there is some update's fro v2 to v3. For me i installed the version 2 and completed the tuto

u can do it by executing in the terminal : npm i --save react-redux-firebase^@2.5.0