Banking System Application

This is a simple banking system application implemented in Java with JDBC for database interaction.


Before running the application, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or higher
  • MySQL Database Server
  • MySQL JDBC Driver


  1. Clone the Repository: (

  2. Download MySQL JDBC Driver:

  • Download the MySQL JDBC driver JAR file from here.
  • Place the downloaded JAR file in the lib folder of the project.
  1. Create MySQL Database:
  • Log in to your MySQL database server.
  • Create a new database named BankingSystem using the following SQL command:
    CREATE DATABASE BankingSystem;
  1. Run SQL Scripts:
  • Execute the SQL scripts located in the sql folder to create the necessary database tables and insert initial data.
  1. Compile Java Files:
  • Compile the Java source files using the following command:
    javac -cp lib/mysql-connector-java.jar:. src/*.java src/com/banking/*.java src/com/banking/service/*.java src/com/banking/util/*.java
  1. Run the Application:
  • Run the application using the following command:
    java -cp lib/mysql-connector-java.jar:. Main


Once the application is running, follow the on-screen instructions to interact with the banking system. You can perform transactions, view account details, and more.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests or open issues for any improvements or fixes.