This repo is a pet project.

The purpose of the project is to prove Java, Kafka, Prometheus and Grafana knowledge.

The main components are:

  • Twitter
  • Kafka
  • ElasticSearch
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana


  • For the twitter, I used Hosebird Client
  • Kafka 2.5.0 is running locally
  • For ElasticSearch I took PaaS
  • Prometheus 2.20.1 is running locally
  • Grafana 7.1.5 is running locally

It has the following modules:

  • vanilla twitter producer
  • kafka connect twitter
  • vanilla elastic search consumer
  • kafka connect sink elasticsearch
  • kstreams:
    • it filters data by user_followers
    • it counts words in every tweet
    • it counts total tweets by terms from a certain author

Vanilla producer and consumer are tested.

I left twitter API keys deliberately to easy clone and reproduce. To make it work follow file


  • to run es_consumer_connector be sure to add guava.jar to classpath


  • add how to page