
[Probs a bug] Totally empty sitemap? Lol?

gustaveWPM opened this issue · 37 comments


I'm using Next.js 13 with the App Router.
I know that next-sitemap can generate good sitemaps files with this setup.
I've already done this in my current (and first Next.js) project.

I'm doing my best with generateStaticParams, and have an exhaustive output of my paths when I build my Next project.

Output of yarn build:

Route (app)
┌ ● /[locale]
├   ├ /fr
├   └ /en
├ ● /[locale]/[categ]
├   ├ /fr/patch-notes
├   └ /en/patch-notes
├ ● /[locale]/[categ]/[subcateg]
├   ├ /fr/patch-notes/dashboard
├   ├ /fr/patch-notes/discord-bot
├   ├ /en/patch-notes/dashboard
├   └ /en/patch-notes/discord-bot
├ ● /[locale]/[categ]/[subcateg]/[slug]
├   ├ /fr/patch-notes/dashboard/post-01
├   ├ /en/patch-notes/dashboard/post-01
├   ├ /fr/patch-notes/discord-bot/post-01
├   └ /en/patch-notes/discord-bot/post-01
├ ● /[locale]/dashboard
├   ├ /fr/dashboard
├   └ /en/dashboard
├ ○ /apple-icon.png
├ ○ /favicon.ico
└ ○ /icon.svg

●  (SSG)     automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)

Here is sitemap.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">

(yah, I'm crying)

Moreover, here's the disaster:
As I'm a bit of an idiot (lol), I tend to use the git commit --amend command a lot and I totally lost the original code which was somehow "compatible" (?) with next-sitemap, and which was not generating empty sitemaps.

To be honest, I don't have the courage, nor the knowledge, to understand what's happening to take me from a correct sitemap generation to a totally empty one. ( :'( )

I've made a branch to help you to reproduce and investigate.

ℹ️ It would be also helpful to know how could I investigate myself? I naively assumed that if my routes were displayed correctly in the build output, it should be fine (lol).

Warm regards. ( I'm so sad to have an empty sitemap. :'( )

Having the same issue, I thought it's my issue (missing some config) until I see this. Will wait for the inputs here.

Up this, I have the same issue as well

Empty sitemap here as well

letops commented

For me it is just happening with the new app directory, I have 2 other projects with this same library and almost exactly the same configuration but they use the old pages directory and they work perfectly

For me it is just happening with the new app directory, I have 2 other projects with this same library and almost exactly the same configuration but they use the old pages directory and they work perfectly

idk why, but it was initially working fine on my project, using the app directory. :/

sofly commented

Empty sitemap as well

When can we expect any comment or progress on this issue? We currently have to resort to maintaining the Sitemap manually which is quite cumbersome given that most of our pages are generated based on CMS content.

I think I read somewhere that Next-Sitemap is based on the build-manifest.json file (.next/.build-manifest.json).

It seems that there is a lot more informations in the trace file (.next/trace) that in the build-manifest.json when the SSG from the App Directory's context is used.

Maybe Next-Sitemap was designed to work with Static generation, but not with the SSG one.

ping @iamvishnusankar
Have you started to investigate?

Lol. I've done some changes in the architecture of my project, and now the sitemap generation came back.

Created a new branch, in addition of https://github.com/Tirraa/dashboard_rtm/tree/next-sitemap-empty-sitemap-issue

Hope it would help to investigate.

same issue here. Pages marked as Static during the build are in sitemap, but SSG not.
○ (Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)
● (SSG) automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)

Idk why, but I have the impression that if you have a minimum of one "Server" page (nor SSG, nor Static), things go back to normal?

Could someone try creating a dynamic path [stupidworkaround] and putting in an empty page that just returns a div? Just to see.

If it works, you might as well create a dynamic path [notfound] and just put a 404 page into it, in a place where it's not a nuisance to do so.

I have pages of all kinds in my build (two server side and two static) - still doesn't work.

I have pages of all kinds in my build (two server side and two static) - still doesn't work.

Hmm, that's curious.

Does your next build feedback prints something like this?

λ (Server) server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps)
○ (Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)
● (SSG) automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)

I have pages of all kinds in my build (two server side and two static) - still doesn't work.

Hmm, that's curious.

Does your next build feedback prints something like this?

λ (Server) server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps)

○ (Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)

● (SSG) automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)

Yup, with one more:

ℇ  (Streaming)  server-side renders with streaming (uses React 18 SSR streaming or Server Components)
λ  (Server)     server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps)
○  (Static)     automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)
●  (SSG)        automatically generated as static HTML + JSON (uses getStaticProps)

I'm in the same boat, I've tried and tried but I can't get my sitemap to generate all the static paths, also on nextjs13

Facing the same issue.

I think it might be related to this issue : #692

Could also be this: #700

Same issue

I had it working for some time without any issue. And today it decided to not work anymore as mentioned by everyone here.
Trying to retrace what happened. My main changes have been to add trpc and clerk.

In case someone really stuck with it, I've migrate to the official, took me 20 minutes and its smooth.

in my case it was related to this: #692

I have one project having issues with sitemap on app router while others works fine, it was driving me crazy, I compared versions and downgraded to 4.1.8 and it seems to be working now. This library seems a little abandoned? The oficial sitemap support from nextjs is very basic, how do you even generate sitemaps for static pages generated at build time @agonist ?

I have one project having issues with sitemap on app router while others works fine, it was driving me crazy, I compared versions and downgraded to 4.1.8 and it seems to be working now. This library seems a little abandoned? The oficial sitemap support from nextjs is very basic, how do you even generate sitemaps for static pages generated at build time @agonist ?

It depends on how you generate your static page, but on my side, I generate page based on data from my db, so I'm simply generating my sitemap based on the same data I use to generate static page.
Just an example for the idea :

  const tools = await findAllToolsSlugOnly(); // this is my db call

  const allTools = tools.map((t) => {
    const to: R = {
      url: `${site}/ai-tools/${t.slug}`,
      lastModified: new Date(),
      changeFrequency: "daily",
      priority: 0.7,
    return to;

I'm doing something like that. So I have various array of from my static pages for different routes. once setup you don't have to touch it anymore and what's happening is very predictable which make the sitemap less mysterious and give you full control over it. and adding a single regular page just take 10 seconds which is find.

I have one project having issues with sitemap on app router while others works fine, it was driving me crazy, I compared versions and downgraded to 4.1.8 and it seems to be working now. This library seems a little abandoned? The oficial sitemap support from nextjs is very basic, how do you even generate sitemaps for static pages generated at build time @agonist ?

It depends on how you generate your static page, but on my side, I generate page based on data from my db, so I'm simply generating my sitemap based on the same data I use to generate static page. Just an example for the idea :

  const tools = await findAllToolsSlugOnly(); // this is my db call

  const allTools = tools.map((t) => {
    const to: R = {
      url: `${site}/ai-tools/${t.slug}`,
      lastModified: new Date(),
      changeFrequency: "daily",
      priority: 0.7,
    return to;

I'm doing something like that. So I have various array of from my static pages for different routes. once setup you don't have to touch it anymore and what's happening is very predictable which make the sitemap less mysterious and give you full control over it. and adding a single regular page just take 10 seconds which is find.

thanks for the suggestion, I kinda liked how this library used to "just works", but I think it's worth doing some refactoring to use the built in support from nextjs and get more predictable results, I wrote a function to map the static pages from the filesystem, now I just need to include pages generated at build time.

I'm using Next 14 with the pages folder and I'm getting empty sitemaps too. No errors.

Getting empty sitemaps even exporting generateStaticParams on my pages. I'm using Next 14 with App directory.

you must first build the project, since the library interacts with the .next folder.
Also, I added the option generateIndexSitemap: false, in order for me to create only one sitemap.

module.exports = {
    siteUrl: 'https://aksenov-maksim.ru',
    exclude: ['/robots.txt'],
    outDir: './src/app/',
    generateIndexSitemap: false

I'm using Next.js 14 and experiencing the same issue.

On my side, I had a root layout (on a approuter next.js 14), and when importing import { headers } from "next/headers";, the sitemap were empty.

This makes the whole package unusable and there are basically no alternatives around bar manually maintaining a sitemap, which is not acceptable. Nextjs itself pretty much did not go any further than making manual generation easier because this package exists, so it needs to work.

#692 needs to be reopened: it's a very current bug and the ticket was closed automatically because it was ignored. Such a small thing can't make the package entirely useless for so many users.

I got the same bug with next.js 14, currently I was manually code sitemap

I worked around this in my case by removing my import { headers } from "next/headers"; import from layout.tsx and using const headers = require('next/headers').headers(); inside the layout function instead.

Same problem in nextjs 14.

I'm using Next.js 14 and experiencing the same issue.