
Adding support for EKS_ROLE_ARN users

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have added the code for that but I cant open a pr to that.

eks_role_arn: description: EKS role arn that allow access eks cluster (Mostly happen when you create your cluster with CDK). required: false

if [ -n "${INPUT_EKS_ROLE_ARN}"]; then aws eks update-kubeconfig --name "${INPUT_CLUSTER_NAME}" --role-arn "${INPUT_EKS_ROLE_ARN}" else aws eks update-kubeconfig --name "${INPUT_CLUSTER_NAME}" fi

eks_role_arn: $ {{ secrets.EKS_ROLE_ARN }}

Thanks for this work @iuyt9003 and really appreciate the second follow up PR to fix the issue. :-)

Hope you have a good holiday period and new years.

Yay! Super happy to contribute :) hope you liked my addon 👯