
Shawzin variation compatibility

niktr opened this issue · 2 comments

niktr commented

an update is needed to improve the compatibility with the newly added Shawzins.
Currently im forced to Edit songs and scale up or down entire rows in order for them to work.

Will look into this asap, but AFAIK all shawzins use the exact same scales

niktr commented

its been a while, i did some poking around.
The scales might be the same, but the sound produced doesn't match. DE's scale isn't exactly accurate to MIDI file scales.
when it rounds up or down, the notes most of the time end up being on the same string making some songs sound like you're just spamming 1 note.
For example, Rage from Quake 2. I had to push some notes up and some notes down (increase the difference value) so it doesn't round them on the same string.
if that makes sense...