Create simple filesystem
iankronquist opened this issue · 4 comments
- osdev wiki recommends FAT because it's simple.
- ToaruOS implements EXT2
- Fat is copyrighted. Ich. I would prefer to not have MS copyrighted code in my kernel.
We should probably also consider the SFS file system since it is the easiest to implement, according to This isn't the easiest task either way, but implementing the easiest file system seems like an attractive option.
@Herbstein I'm game for that. We should probably do the hard disk drivers first though.
Definitely. I must admit that I'm in pretty deep water contributing to this project, so you might be pulling a little more than I'm pushing. I have started reading the Tanenbaum os book, Modern Operating Systems. I might ask some dumb questions, hope you'll bear with me.
Oh, don't worry, I'm the king of dumb questions around here. I'm sure you know about the osdev forums and the #osdev IRC channel on freenode. I'm known as radens over there.
Tanenbaum is a good place to start. I think I put a bunch of other links in the README.