
show query progress in R

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When executing an Impala query from HUE the progress of the query is shown. It would be a nice-to-have in R as well. Similar to the progress bars from readr for reading large datasets.

screen shot 2017-07-13 at 10 39 39

Interesting idea, thanks. I'm not sure about feasibility; I don't know if DBI provides any of the underlying tools that would be necessary to do this. Hue is able to do it because it uses a different interface to Impala (Apache Thrift) which includes this capability. With R and dplyr we're constrained by what DBI can do and by what's implemented in the DBI implementations (RJDBC, odbc). I'll look more into it.

AFAICT the underlying ODBC and JDBC layers don't provide a way to do this. I'll close this issue but I'll keep my eyes open because I agree that this would be a great enhancement.

Note for future reference: dplyr includes the function progress_estimated() which can be used to display a progress bar. But implementing this (in a non-fake way) would require the ODBC/JDBC driver to provide progress information.